суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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It looks like my roommateapos;s name is Dan Parsons. I didnapos;t expect to get any information about my roommate until after I arrived so it was a pleasant surprise to get his name in the mail. Unfortunately, I didnapos;t get much else. There was no e-mail address, only a phone number informing me that he had moved to one of those Carolina places. I called him there and left a message. Thatapos;s about all I have to offer about this Dan fella.

In other news, I feel a bit over-equipped. Iapos;ll be toting with me my tower, my gargantuan old crt, a printer, the notebook, possibly the little router, a playstation, and a not terribly small television set. Beyond that, thereapos;s a bucket full of toiletries, sheets, clothing, a cubic foot or two of books and small toys, and a stack of dvds. I canapos;t help but feel as if Iapos;m bringing an awful lot of stuff into a very tiny space.

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Those are the animals I am sitting for the next three days for a professor at NMU. He has a very skittish yellow and white cat with some very unsettling huge round eyes, a very energetic Doberman Pinscher and a long hair Dachshund whoapos;s fat and blind. The icing on the cake, though, are the three red hens he has in the basement of his house, that is just until he completes building the coop in his back yard. I didnapos;t realize that one could keep chickens within city limits. Heapos;s on the City Commission and assured me that itapos;s not on the books that you canapos;t.

Steve seems to be a pretty interesting guy, though, which probably explains the chickens and the numerous books on his coffee table on how to raise hens. They are very sociable hens too. They come right up to you looking to be pet and they are so soft and pretty. I can see myself having chickens someday. He was telling me that he paid $2.25 for each chick and then just over $5 for the bag of chick feed that fed them for almost two months. Thatapos;s pretty small investment for something you get a pretty good return on (in the form of egss, of course). That doesnapos;t count in the cost of building the coop, though, but still...something to keep in mind.

Joey and Kari had a dance tonight at Pasqualiapos;s in Negaunee. Kari wanted me to curl her hair and was very pleased with how it turned out. I allowed her to wear a little bit of eyeshadow and lip gloss as well. Sheapos;s growing into such a beautiful young woman. It makes my heart jump a little about how beautiful she is to me. Joey was also in to getting himself looking all studly and what not. He had to shower and put on his favorite outfit and then drown himself in TAG body spray. When we got in the car, within seconds I was having to roll down the window to allow some of the smell out On our way we picked up his friend Roger who had equally drowned himself in TAG. OMG. Teenage boys. They just have to smell one way or another. It does give me an idea for a stocking stuffer for Joey, though. Iapos;m going to look into a bottle of real cologne for him so heapos;ll actually smell nice.

Itapos;s going to be a busy weekend between the pet sitting gig for Jenn and working for Rena. Basically, itapos;s going to be a lot of trips back and forth from Ishpeming and Marquette, which is going to cost me some gas, but the money I am making is still worth it. Iapos;m not going to have a day off until Wednesday, though, so itapos;s going to be a long few days. Actually, when I think about it, Wednesday isnapos;t going to be much of a day off. The boys have a Drapos;s appointment at 8:15am, then I have my frist Weight Watchers meeting at 9:30am. I might be able to go home to catch a nap, but then I have Joshuaapos;s last game that evening too. I donapos;t think Iapos;ll be doing much of anything outside of work and home this week. Iapos;m not going to have the energy for it.

On that note...time to pick up the teens

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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After the week with Lisa, some questions have arisen in my mind. Since I was eight I was raised by my Uncle...at least officially by my Uncle, it was my cousin who actually had more of a hand in making sure I didnapos;t go completely off the rails. I know just about all there is to know about the Khan family, even a little about the Owens family, my Motherapos;s side.

As for the Nottapos;s...apart from my father and myself, I know nothing about them. No history, no origins, no idea even what the family motto is, though Iapos;m sure we have one, I can vaguely remember it from childhood...though itapos;s all rather blurry.

I sigh and Apparate to Fatherapos;s farm house and knock on his door. Itapos;s time to do something about my own ignorance.

Father opens the door, his face warm and welcoming. "Theo What a surprise. Come in. Iapos;m glad to see you."

"I actually came for some information, Father...itapos;s come to my attention that I donapos;t know much about my own heritage. I know well enough Motherapos;s side, and I know more than Iapos;d care to about the Khanapos;s...at best I have vague memories from childhood when it comes to my own name."

"Let me get this straight. You want to know about my family? The ancient origins, or the more recent ones?"

"Both. Itapos;s my family too," I point out. "I may not agree with the ideas of pureblood supremacy but thatapos;s not saying I canapos;t be proud of my name."

"All right. You ever read Beowulf? You know about the Vikings who came to England around 500 AD? Those were our people. We came through the King Canute. Canute became Knott, then Nott. We settled in Derby and Nottingham. Thatapos;s the old stuff. Personally, I am the youngest and only son of three children. Both my sisters were quite a bit older than I am. My one sister is in Australia; she must be close to ninety. The younger sister, Bernadine, had an accident shortly after she left Hogwarts. She was fighting with my eldest sister, Katherine--who must have been about 21 at the time. Over a wizard, if I remember the story, but Katherine was 17 years older than I am, and Bernadine just three years younger than her. So I donapos;t remember them well. But Bernadine was killed accidentally by spell damage when those two quarrelled. That was when Katherine decided to move to Australia. Mother and Father said theyapos;d never forgive her. They were left with just me. I was bright and bookish, but they were fiercely overprotective of me. The more they kept me from getting hurt, the more I lost myself in their library, finding all the dark magic books I could find and reading about dark magical history. They didnapos;t care what I read--just didnapos;t want to lose their last child. When I got to Hogwarts, I had a roommate, Tom Riddle. You know what that did. He liked that I was a pure blood and could tell him so much about Dark Magical history. He didnapos;t like me, didnapos;t like anyone but himself, but I was useful to him. But Mother and Father were ashamed of me for joining Voldemort. I donapos;t blame them. They were old as well ... When I was in my twenties, they reconciled with Katherine and moved to Australia with her. As far as I know, they are still alive. Must be 120 though." Father stops and thinks a moment. "Motherapos;s name was Eurydice Tamara Crouch Nott. Father was Thaddeus Augustus Nott. I think Motherapos;s Mother was a Potter and Fatherapos;s Mother was an Avery."

I flinch to think of myself being related to the Potterapos;s in any way shape or form but thatapos;s just one small part of a huge influx of information. I have...or had, two aunts, only one now survives, the other killed by her own sister...and... "Wait Beowulf? King Canute? The one who tried to stop the waves?" I always thought those who were King were nutters and should never be trusted with power. "Do we have a motto, Father?"

He sighs. "Solus mini invidus obstaculum--In solace divided, envyapos;s obstacle."

"I think it made more sense in Latin," I murmur, half amused, half bewildered. "Though Lisa will be relieved itapos;s not so horrifying as my Uncleapos;s."
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

copyright a band name

Walked 2.65 miles.� 1 mile at 3.0 pace in 20 minutes. 1.65 miles at 2.5 pace in 40 minutes. Got a little over-ambitious. Tried to do the whole thing at 3.0 pace, realized it wasnapos;t gonna work, scaled it back. You have to be willing to adjust. But I�did learn I could do the 3.0 pace for 1 mile. So it wasnapos;t a waste. I really looked forward to doing my walking today. Itapos;s going to be a long road, but itapos;s going well so far. My feet started to hurt on the outside of my foot. I am hoping thatapos;s just the shoes breaking in. So far my favorite part is the weightless feel right after you get off the treadmill. It doesnapos;t last long, but it feels good.

Today I ate:
Spongebob Mac Cheese - 260 Calories.
1 small glass of milk.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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It kind of sucks when you work part-time and they give you a few long days a week instead of several short days, because right when you get used to being lazy you have to go to work again. XD

Itapos;s half way through the month and Iapos;ve got 4 Lavender Legend pages done, part of 2 Emerald Winter pages done, and part of a LEI for Avaricia finished. So not TOO behind on the stuff but not 100 where I meant to be either.
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